فارسی عربي

Berlin fest Generation Section awards Iran film ‘Dressage’

‘Dressage’ succeeds to receive jury members’ award from the Generation Section of Berlin Film Festival.


Iran film ‘Dressage’ has succeeded to receive jury members’ award from the Generation section of Berlin Film Festival.

Directed by Pouya Badkoubeh, the flick succeeded to attract the attention of the jury members at the Generation Section of Berlin film event and won the 14Plus international jury award of the section.

 ‘Dressage’ tells the story of Golsa and her friends who, motivated primarily by boredom rather than greed, decide to rob a corner shop.

But while evaluating the steal, they are dismayed to realize that they forgot to take the security camera footage; so one of them must return to the crime scene and retrieve it.

Since 1978, the Berlinale has devoted a section to children and young people: Generation, in two competitions, Generation Kplus and Generation 14plus. The most outstanding films are awarded the Crystal Bears and the Prizes of the international Juries.

Founded in 1951, the Berlin International Film Festival is one of the world’s leading film events which is held in Germany and is celebrated annually in February.

The 68th edition of the Berlinale is slated for February 15-25, 2018, Germany.


